Sunday, February 26, 2012

International Family Dinner Nights

We decided it would be fun to host a monthly dinner night with a twist.  Each month our family chooses a country to "explore" through a meal.  We all make something delicious, come together for the evening, and just enjoy being together!  Our niece Baylee is in 5th grade created an informative PowerPoint slide show to teach us some fun facts about the country.  Hopefully this is the year we add a little one to the famly through open adoption...Family gatherings will take on a whole new meaning then!  We've only explored 2 countries so far... but can't wait to explore more!  We love that many people in our family are close by - but wish those in New York, Massachusetts, and Florida could join us. 

First Stop - JAPAN!  We did this first because Katie was about to travel to Japan for work.  We thought it might get her in the mood for travelling!
Katie & Eleanor demonstrate the art of rolling sushi!
Emily & Susan (Eleanor's Mom) give it a try!

Ben and William look like they are dueling sushi masters!

Not too shabby for a bunch of  Newbies!
 Second Stop - GREECE - We had a chance to enjoy some Mediterranean dishes.  Eleanor's mom made Spanikopita, Jane (Eleanor's Stepmother) brought a gigantic Greek Salad, Ben (Eleanor's brother) hooked us up with some Halumi cheese that we could grill and olives, Emily (Eleanor's sister) was the queen of the pita, and we made marinated kabobs and Baklava.  A DELICIOUS visit to Greece!


Huey considers sampling some of the kabobs!
Uncle Ben gives Baylee a little help before
she shares her knowledge about Greece.

Solving the problems of the world - it's what they do!

Baylee & Nana sport togas to get into the mood of Ancient Greece.

Baylee shared her presentation for a very full yet captive audience!
Next stop - We'll have the luck o' the Irish in March!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Huey the Cat's Thoughts on Family & Adoption

Huey, tell us about yourself?  Um – Hi, my name is Huey.  I think I am almost 16 years old… I am getting a little forgetful over the years… Did I mention my name is Huey?  Sometimes I have moments of clarity - I think right now I'm having one– where everything comes back – and other times I find myself talking to the corner of a room or to a cabinet.

So do you remember how joined this family?  I think it all started in Texas.  Maybe in ’96?  I was living in a kitty cat orphanage with my brothers and sisters.  I looked different from all of them – we were all white – but they had black spots and I was the only orange spotted one.  I remember there was special baby cat cage for all us kittens.  A pretty lady with curly hair took me and a few of my other brothers and sisters out to play with.  She picked up my brother Ralph and turned away, holding him in her arms.  There was something special about this lady – something I could not let slip from my paws… so I threw caution to the wind and took a flying leap from the platform flinging myself onto her back.  I was carefully removed and placed back on the platform.  The moment she turned away, I flung myself at her again.  This time she got the message.  I was trying to tell her – You are my mama – TAKE ME HOME!  She knew I was her special little guy – I CHOSE HER!  I think she named me Huey because my purr was loud like a helicopter (and I could fly). 
I have been with her ever since – except for the 3 years she lived in Korea.  I lived in Massachusetts with my Nannie and Grampy.  I lived mostly outdoors there – got to sleep in a shed and tried to hunt wild turkeys.  It was hard to be sneaky and hide when you are bright white!  I definitely prefer sleeping inside on something warm and squishy – like my moms, a pillow or the couch.  About 6 years ago I met Eleanor.  She became my other mom and I love her lots too!

Wow, Huey, you really do remember a lot about those times!  Have your moms talked to you about how they are hoping to adopt a baby?  I knew something was going to happen one day.  They changed this room in our house – the one with the great lighting.  They added a small bed with big wooden sides.  I can’t heave my big self into that one.  Since I get a little absent minded, I probably won’t do much babysitting when a little brother or sister comes.  I think that babies and I have a lot in common.  We both like taking naps and being snuggled in warm blankets.  Oh - I really like milk – I hear that’s also a favorite for babies.  I think I adjust well to new siblings.  When my other mom, Eleanor, joined the family, I got an older kitty sister named Gracie.  Mostly we get along.  A few years ago, they adopted my other kitty sister Mama Cat.  She is my bestest friend.  I am sure I’ll love the two legged brother or sister that joins us next.

So, Huey – do you think you will be able to give a baby advice as he or she grows up?  Absolutely – I’ve already got a few ideas.  Once you get teeth (I’m missing a few myself) and can eat real food, try everything.   I waited till this year to explore the world of tasty morsels.  Who knew Chinese food was so decicious…and Mangos?  I spent my whole life with crunchy kibble and mushy canned food – but now I can’t stop myself from asking to try the amazing foods humans eat.  I see little kids sticking to the boring mac-n-cheese or nuggets.  These are the kibble and canned food of their generation.  Don’t get yourself stuck in the trap little one.  Explore the word of flavors and textures.
Oh and also – there is a monster in the house.  It gets plugged into the wall and it sucks up everything in it’s path.  Stay away from that thing!  The moms say it helps keep things clean – they call it a vacuum– but really – I think it’s a monster!
 I think that being a brother to a person is going to be pretty fun!   I’m looking forward to it!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

An Interview with Rokky (the pug)

All families who wish to adopt go through a process called a homestudy. It basically includes lots of paperwork, criminal background checks and interviews to make sure you are emotionally prepared to adopt a child (and that you aren't some kind of deranged lunatic!). Each year you get a renewal to check in & make sure that all is still good. We kind of joked about the interview and wondered what our 4 legged family members would say if the social worker interviewed them about adoption. First we'll hear from our puppy girl Rokky!

How long have you lived with Katie & Eleanor? I’ve lived with both of my moms for almost 6 years. I’ve been with my mom Katie for almost twelve years?

Have you always lived in Greensboro, NC? No, but I’ve been here the longest. I also lived in South Korea (my homeland), Massachusetts, Virginia, and Rhode Island.

How did you get from South Korea to the United States? Is that legal? I swam…just kidding! It was on a plane. I have all my papers (it’s perfectly legal). I came into her life through international adoption. She adopted me when I was 6 weeks old. I was an honorary Private in the Army with Katie who was a Captain. When she came home I got to come home too!

What are your feelings about babies?I like that they are small, and that sometimes they drop food. You know they don’t start off eating food – they drink bottles.Well I can wait. They also smell interesting. But sometimes that interesting is really bad like they should have gone out for a walk. Do you think I’ll get blamed for that smell?

What’s the first thing you want to do when a baby comes to live with you? I want to show them where the best place on the couch is. I also want to sneeze on them (I sneeze on everyone). My mommas say it’s a blessing! When they eat food I will stare at them till they drop something. I also think it will be fun when we get to dress up for Halloween. My mom’s put me in some pretty silly costumes – I wonder what they will dress a baby like?

Do you have any questions for your moms about babies? I’m not sure. Should I bark when it makes noise (like I do with doorbells and dogs on TV) or should I just watch them? How long do they stay little? Will it live with us all the time? Will it like to play with me or go on walks?

Do you have any advice for a baby that comes to live with you? Do NOT poop on the floor!!! Oh, yeah… and DO put cookies on the floor. ;)

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Stepping Back & Looking Forward

So often, when people hear of our hopes of adopting, we get THE QUESTION... "You are both young & healthy, why doesn't one of you just get pregnant and have a baby?"

I understand that there is a natural curiosity about how people come to the place where they are. And about 4 years ago, when we started thinking we would like to include more humans in this little family of ours (no more cats, dogs, or horses), that was our starting place. I imagine plans A-D included some form of assistance with fertility treatments. We knew we'd need a little medical help since we lacked one of the key ingredients! As the universe would have it, that wasn't the only problem! We both learned rather quickly that it would be nearly impossible to conceive using our own eggs (GO FIGURE?!). We were definitely disappointed, and knew that we could try many other paths of trying to conceive with fertility treatments for a teeny tiny chance that it would work.

We reflected on the news... and really thought about what it all meant to us. For US it was a quick change of direction - and a realization that our child would come to us through adoption and not through some medical means. Some people ask if we felt like it was a second choice to pursue adoption - I don't think so - NOT AT ALL. For us, becoming parents and loving a child with every ounce of who we are is far more important than trying to get pregnant. That just wasn't the path meant for us.

It was probably the day after hearing from our doctor that we began exploring adoption agencies. After sorting through LOADS of information about all types of adoption, we found the Independent Adoption Center (IAC). We attended an information session in April of 2009, returned to the agency that summer for a weekend training session and began the paperwork part of the journey. Our first homestudy was approved in November of 2009 and we were officially "on the books" with the agency. This meant that expectant moms considering adoption had us as a choice! We made a website, a dear birthmother letter, and listed our profile.
Our Adoption Website Our profile on I Heart Adoption

AND HERE WE ARE NOW... We are still "on the books" with the IAC. We are still hopeful that we are the family for someone out there! We are networking - sharing our story with everyone who will listen, because you just never know who needs to hear about you. So if you're reading this and are wondering "Is it ok if we share their info with friends?" The answer is YES! It's totally ok!

We look forward to where the next chapter of this journey will lead! We wonder if that person looking for us is near or far? We wonder if they know how deeply we will love them (and not just the baby) - and that we want them to be part of this family too? We wonder if they will want to stay in contact with us over the years - we sooooo hope that they do...


Where to even begin?! We're excited to share our adoption journey with the world through this blog. Bear with us as we figure out what we're doing!