Sunday, February 26, 2012

International Family Dinner Nights

We decided it would be fun to host a monthly dinner night with a twist.  Each month our family chooses a country to "explore" through a meal.  We all make something delicious, come together for the evening, and just enjoy being together!  Our niece Baylee is in 5th grade created an informative PowerPoint slide show to teach us some fun facts about the country.  Hopefully this is the year we add a little one to the famly through open adoption...Family gatherings will take on a whole new meaning then!  We've only explored 2 countries so far... but can't wait to explore more!  We love that many people in our family are close by - but wish those in New York, Massachusetts, and Florida could join us. 

First Stop - JAPAN!  We did this first because Katie was about to travel to Japan for work.  We thought it might get her in the mood for travelling!
Katie & Eleanor demonstrate the art of rolling sushi!
Emily & Susan (Eleanor's Mom) give it a try!

Ben and William look like they are dueling sushi masters!

Not too shabby for a bunch of  Newbies!
 Second Stop - GREECE - We had a chance to enjoy some Mediterranean dishes.  Eleanor's mom made Spanikopita, Jane (Eleanor's Stepmother) brought a gigantic Greek Salad, Ben (Eleanor's brother) hooked us up with some Halumi cheese that we could grill and olives, Emily (Eleanor's sister) was the queen of the pita, and we made marinated kabobs and Baklava.  A DELICIOUS visit to Greece!


Huey considers sampling some of the kabobs!
Uncle Ben gives Baylee a little help before
she shares her knowledge about Greece.

Solving the problems of the world - it's what they do!

Baylee & Nana sport togas to get into the mood of Ancient Greece.

Baylee shared her presentation for a very full yet captive audience!
Next stop - We'll have the luck o' the Irish in March!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The international food thing sounds neat.